Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June update

We want to thank everyone who has been praying for us.  More financial partners have joined our team since our last update so currently we are at 95% of our monthly support and 92% of our one time expenses.  This means will still need to raise $286/monthly and need $3,500 to cover our house set-up expenses.

We have our tickets!  We leave Philly July 17th, will spend 4 days with Brian's family in Manitoba, and then fly to Manila out of Minneapolis on the 23rd.  We'll only have a week before classes begin at Faith Academy for Heather, Caleb and Matt.  Pray that we'll find housing quickly and get settled so that the kids will have a good start to their school year.

We are hoping to be all finished with our packing in the next 3 weeks so that the week before we leave we can focus on spending time with friends and family.

Nate has joined the US Marine Corps and arrived at Paris Island monday night for Basic training.  We don't expect to hear anything from him for the next week or so. Pray for him as it will be really tough.  Heather will be serving with Child Evangelism Fellowship for a week holding backyard Bible Clubs in our area.  She has 2 days of training, Thursday and Friday this week, and then will be gone everyday for the next week.  Pray for stamina and ability to communicate God's Word effectively with children from many different backgrounds.

If you don't get our updates and would like to, email Brian at

Wednesday, June 13, 2012