Sunday, January 15, 2012

January update

Happy New Year to all our family and friends!  The week of Christmas found me up in Carmen, Manitoba visiting my parents and sister and her family.  It was great to spend some time with them all and get caught up on all the activities north of the boarder.

Patty and I are continuing to get the word out about the ministry opportunity at Hope Mountain!  We are speaking in churches and connecting with friends and family who are interested in partnering with us.  Currently we are at 40% of our monthly goal and have received 50% of our one-time set-up costs.  So we still have a ways to go!  But we are encouraged by so many that want to get involved and join us in this new venture!

We have a Family Night Benefit event planned  on Feb 25th at First Baptist Church in Doylestown, PA.  We’ll have a Coffee House in the Fellowship Hall with live music and great eats!  At the same time we’ll have activities for kids of all ages in their gym.
We are also planning a used book sale/exchange at the event so come prepared to pick up some new reading material.

Please contact us if you are interested in learning more.

Brian and Patty Shiel