Thursday, April 26, 2012


What an incredible God we serve!

We are getting so close to arriving at Hope Mountain!
 -   90% outgoing support, still need $5,000.
-  84% monthly support, that does not include the expenses for the childrens' education!  Financing the children's education will allow Patty to get more involved in the ministry at Hope Mountain.

To get the most benefit we should both be in language school for the first 3 months, speaking the local dialect will give us more open doors to meet the needs of the local people.

Thank you to so many who have given of their resources in this challenging economy!
God truly moves hearts beyond our understanding!
This is His work, HE WILL PROVIDE! Jehovah Jireh!

Check out our3 handsome sons the day of Nate's Senior Prom!

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